Sunday, October 14, 2007

AstraZeneca PIPELINE Part II

Note to self: A look at AZ's products and pipline:

AZD0530 Phase II for chemotherapy in patients with solid tumours

AZD1152 Phase II for Patients with advanced solid malignancies

AZD2171 (Recentin™) Phase III for non-small cell lung cancer or head and neck cancer

AZD2281 Phase II for advanced BRCA1 or BRCA2-associated ovarian cancer

AZD3480 Phase II for alzheimer's and schizophrenia

AZD4877 Phase II for recurrent or refractory (AML) excluding promyelocytic leukemia.

AZD6140 Phase III for non-ST or ST elevation acute coronary syndromes

AZD6244 Phase II for unresectable AJCC stage 3 or 4 malignant melanoma

AZD6765 Phase II for treatment-resistant major depressive disorders

AZD7762 Phase I for advanced solid malignancies

AZD8330 Phase I for advanced malignancies

AZD9056 Phase II for rheumatoid arthritis

ZD4054 Phase II for metastatic prostate cancer

ZD6474 ZACTIMA™ Phase II for metastatic breast cancer

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